Monday, 27 February 2017

CRUD Operation in SharePoint 2013/2010 using

  Angular Js


This article is about CRUD Operation in SharePoint 2013/2010 using Angular Js.

Let's Start

Let's complete this task in following steps:-

  • Create a simple web part page. I have created the same, in my Online SharePoint Site named it as EmpSysDetails.aspx.
  • Create a custom list with the columns, which will store values of user input. 
  • Create an AngularJs folder in Site Assets library. Upload Angular.js file. You can download it from following site .
  • Mention uploaded js script link in html markup file or you can use CDN link.
     <script src=""></script>  
  • Create  html mark-up with ng-app and  ng-controller directive.
     <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">  
  • Create  a Table using ng-repeat directive.

  •  <table class="table" style="margin-left:10px;">  
                   Employee Name  
                   Employee Dept  
                   Desk No  
                   System Alloted  
               <tr ng-repeat="x in employees">  
                 <td ng-if="x.SysAllocated">Yes</td>  
                 <td ng-if="! x.SysAllocated">No</td>  
                 <td><img ng-click="EditItem(x.ID)" ng-src="../SiteAssets/AngularJs/Images/edit.png" width="50px" height="50px" alt="Edit"></img></td>  
                 <td><img ng-click="DeleteItem(x.ID)" ng-src="../SiteAssets/AngularJs/Images/delete-512.png" width="50px" height="50px" alt="Delete"></img></td>  
  • Create Form Elements,for instance text box and checkbox using ng-model directive.
      <div class="container">  
               <div class="row">  
                 <div class="col-md-8 setrow">  
                   <span class="col-md-4">Title</span> <input class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="title" placeholder="Title" />  
               <div class="row">  
                 <div class="col-md-8 setrow">  
                   <span class="col-md-4">Employee Name</span> <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="EmpName" placeholder="Enter Employee Full Name" />  

  • Include appropriate CSS using Bootstarp.css  and custom css.
  • Create two separate JavaScript File, name it as appscript.js and sharepointfactory.js. 
  • appScript.js file contains angular app module and controller code.
  • In Controller code inject "$scope" object and "SharePointFactory" service (Name of angular factory).
     var app = angular.module("myApp",[]);  
  • sharepointfactory.js file contains REST API call to do CRUD operation.
  • In the mentioned angular factory inject $http and $q service.
     app.factory('SharePointFactory', ['$http','$q', function($http,$q) { }]);  

  • Upload these two files in Site Assets library's AngulaJs folder. Mention script link in the html markup file.
      <script src="../SiteAssets/AngularJs/appscript.js"></script>   
      <script src="../SiteAssets/AngularJs/sharepointfactory.js"></script>    
  • Edit the EmpSysDetails.aspx. page and add a Script editor webpart. 
  • Click on Edit Snippet.Copy and paste all the html markup including script link  into the editor window.
  • Click on Save button present in top bar, ribbon.
          EmpSysDetails.aspx looks like as shown below:-


Demystifying sharepointfactory.js file. 

 Let's dive into REST call to do CRUD operation.All the REST call has been done using $http and
$q service in angular factory written in  sharepointfactory.js file.

  * Fetch list items from SharePoint list i.e EmployeeList

  var getData = function() {  
     return $http.get(_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl+"/Proctor/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('EmployeeList')/items?select=ID,Title,EmpName,EmpDept,EmpDeskNo,SysAllocated")  
     .then(function(response) {       

   * Create a list item in EmployeeList

 var crtItem = function(data) {  
       var deferred = $q.defer();  
     url: _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl+"/Proctor/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('EmployeeList')/items",  
     method: "POST",  
     headers: {  
       "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",  
       "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),  
       "content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose"  
     data: JSON.stringify(data)  
        }).then(function success(response){  
           function error(result,status){  
         return deferred.promise;  

 * Fetch specific list item from EmployeeList by Id

      var edtItem = function(Id)  
     return $http.get(_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl+"/Proctor/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('EmployeeList')/GetItemById(" + Id + ")")  
     .then(function(response) {       

* Update specific list item

  var updtitem = function(data){  
    var deferred = $q.defer();  
     url: _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl+"/proctor/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('employeelist')/getitembyid(" + data.ID + ")",  
     method: "PATCH",  
     headers: {  
       "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",  
       "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),  
       "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",  
              "X-HTTP-Method": "PATCH",  
              'IF-MATCH': '*'  
     data: JSON.stringify(data)  
     }).then(function success(response){  
        function error(result,status){  
      return deferred.promise;  

* Delete specific list item by Id

 var dltItem = function(Id)  
           var deferred = $q.defer();  
     url: _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl+"/Proctor/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('EmployeeList')/items(" + Id + ")",  
     method: "DELETE",  
     headers: {  
        "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",  
       "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),  
                 'IF-MATCH': '*'  
        }).then(function success(response){  
           function error(result,status){  
         return deferred.promise;  

*Mention return object in angular factory.

 return {  
           getData: getData ,  
           crtItem : crtItem,  
           edtItem : edtItem,  
           dltItem :dltItem,  

Demystifying appScript.js file. 

  1. $scope.employees declared as an array object. getData() method from "SharepointFactory" service to fetch list item and update array object. It will create table row with content in it.
var app = angular.module("myApp",[]);
       $scope.employees = [];  
       // Get all the items from the SharePoint List  

       2. The event.preventDefault() method stops the default action of an element from happening. For example: Prevent a submit button from submitting a form. 

$scope.createItem() event trigger on click of Create Button. It creates an item in list.and updates array object.The powerful feature of angular js - Two-way binding, creates a new row and content in the table. 

       // Create an Item in SharePoint List  
      $scope.createItem = function(event){       
      var data = {  
        __metadata: { 'type': 'SP.Data.EmployeeListListItem' },  
      SharePointFactory.crtItem(data).then(function (response) {  
       $scope.title = "";  
       $scope.EmpName = "";  
       $scope.EmpDesk= "";  
       $scope.EmpDept= "";  
       $scope.SysAllocated = false;  


         3. $scope.EditItem() event trigger on click of Edit Icon in the Table.It will fill Create Employee Record Form with a row data to be edited. 

      // Edit an Item in SharePoint List 
      $scope.EditItem = function(ID){       
       $scope.title = emp.Title;  
 $scope.EmpName = emp.EmpName;  
 $scope.EmpDept = emp.EmpDept;  
 $scope.EmpDesk = emp.EmpDeskNo;  
 $scope.SysAllocated = emp.SysAllocated;            
 $scope.ID = emp.ID;       

        4. $scope.updateItem() event trigger on click of Update button. It will update the edited item and the splice() method adds/removes items to/from an array. It will update the UI with updated content in table row. 


// Update an item in Sharepoint List 
      $scope.updateItem = function(event){       
      var data = {  
        __metadata: { 'type': 'SP.Data.EmployeeListListItem' },  
      SharePointFactory.updtitem(data).then(function (response) {  
     if(item.ID == data.ID){  
       $scope.title = "";  
       $scope.EmpName = "";  
       $scope.EmpDesk= "";  
       $scope.EmpDept= "";  
       $scope.SysAllocated = false;  

        5. $scope.DeleteItem() event trigger on click of Delete Icon in the Table. It will delete the list item and remove that item from the array object.It will remove the row from the table.

         // Delete an Item in SharePoint List
           $scope.DeleteItem = function(ID){  
           $scope.removeItem = function(array, ID){  
                console.log("remove item");  
     if(item.ID == ID){  
       $scope.title = "";  
       $scope.EmpName = "";  
       $scope.EmpDesk= "";  
       $scope.EmpDept= "";  
       $scope.SysAllocated = false;  


    This article not only includes how to use Angular Js with Sharepoint 2013 but also elaborate on REST api and manipulating array objects which results in enhanced user experience.